MOTION ADE is a formula to support healthy joint and connective
tissue function.
� Joint comfort and circulation
� Joint mobility
� Healthy ligaments and tendons
MOTION ADE contains 500 mg of methylsulfonylmethane also
known as MSM.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) a sulfur compound and supports
numerous functions in the body.
Sulfur levels in the body can be reduced through normal aging
processes and sulfur deficiencies have been associated with
psychological and physical stress, fatigue and susceptibility
to disease.
� An essential mineral found in the body or in the production
of various sulfur-containing compounds in the body such as
insulin, keratin, collagen, chondroitin sulfate and glutathione (a
potent antioxidant).
� Found in every cell in the body and used as a building block
to create new cells.
� Is a mineral that holds together the protein strands of
connective tissue, hair and nails.
� Proper connective tissue function, collagen formation, and
skin health.
� Circulation by supporting the integrity of connective tissue in
blood vessels.
� Gastro-intestinal function by supporting the integrity of the
digestive tract lining and balancing pH levels.
� Cell membrane flexibility and permeability, which allows
nutrients to flow into the cell, and toxins to be flushed out.
As a natural source of organic sulfur, MSM provides sulfur to
form the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine aids in the
production of collagen, a necessary building block for connective
tissue repair.
MSM has no known toxicity or contraindications when used
according to product guidelines.
Directions for Use: Up to 30 lbs: 1 chew daily.
31 - 60 lbs: 2 chews daily.
Over 60 lbs: 3 chews daily.
If giving more than 1 chew daily, divide between AM and PM.
Product Facts
Active Ingredients per 1 Chew:
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 500 mg
Inactive Ingredients: brewers dried yeast, calcium sulfate, canola oil, citric acid, glycerin,
mixed tocopherols, maltodextrin, natural duck flavor, propionic acid, rosemary extract,
silicon dioxide, sodium alginate, soy lecithin, vegetable oil, whey.